On Saturday, February 1st, All Girls STEM Society hosted our Anatomy Workshop at the Allied Gardens Library. The girls learned about the 11 different body systems including the digestive, circulatory, respiratory, lymphatic integumentary, endocrine, urinary, and musculoskeletal systems. After learning about an incredible woman in STEM, they got to do three different activities to explore the respirator, circulatory, and musculoskeletal system further.
Our woman in STEM this workshop was the amazing Anna Morandi Manzolini (1714-1774), who was internationally known for the production of anatomically correct wax models. We learned that some of these wax models are still preserved today, and got to see a few photos of her work! Next, the students did an activity focused on the respiratory system, where they modeled the lungs, diaphragm, and trachea with balloons, straws, and a bottle. This helped them learn about how the parts of the respiratory system work together to help us breathe, and visualize lungs expanding upon an inhale. After listening to some lecture about the cardiovascular (circulatory system) the girls learned how to take their own pulse at their neck or wrist! They also learned that the heart is an involuntary muscle, and that cardiac muscle is not included in the musculoskeletal system. However, our hands, arms, legs, and anything that we voluntarily move is part of our musculoskeletal system! This system also includes tendons, and ligaments. To gain an understanding of how this system works, the students used a paper hand, string, and straws to create a hand that is able to move like a real hand when a few strings are pulled. The Anatomy Workshop was super fun, educational, and inspiring! We hope to see you at our Chemistry Workshop on March 15th!