Angelina Kim, Co-Director of Math CurriculumAngelina is currently a freshman at The Bishop’s School and lives in Del Mar. She is an active BE WiSE
and SWENext member and has participated in the AMC 8, AMC 10, MATHCOUNTS, and MOEMS. Angelina has always been curious how things work (such as cotton candy machines) and often explores STEM ideas. In particular, Angelina relishes learning about engineering as she believes that there are numerous creative ways to solve design or software problems. She enjoys using JavaScript, Python, C++, and MATLAB along with design applications, such as Autodesk Fusion 360 and Inkscape, to help her prototype and revise machines that enhance her mathematical and scientific learning. Angelina has been a FCC-licensed amateur radio operator with call sign N6SEA since she was 9. She was motivated by the slow-scan TV broadcasts from the International Space Station (call sign NA1SS) and the VHF voice communication with the ISS. Angelina spends her free time playing tennis, reading, hanging out with friends, and stuffing her mouth full of candy while watching Stranger Things. |