Marileen Meamari, Valhalla High School AmbassadorMarileen Meamari is a senior at Grossmont Middle College High School. If one were to define her in one word, it would be STEM-lover. This organization has only increased her passion for STEM so thank you AGSS! Marileen has done a TEDx talk about the lack of women in STEM, which has hundreds of views on YouTube. She is part of the BE WiSE program (and has been since 7th grade!) and has done 4 years of coaching at AAUW Tech Trek, both in-person at UCSD and virtually, ever since becoming alumni for that program. She is a big advocate for climate change and was able to write some articles for YCAT, which were then published on the Medium. She is also currently an alumni for the MERGE Program! Besides STEM, Marileen enjoys hanging out with friends and family, eating yummy food, and taking naps!